Recreational Soccer
Recreational Outdoor Soccer Program
General Information
Recreational players for ages 9 years and older who wish to play recreational soccer should register with their home Community Club.
Click here to see WYSA's information about registering with your home club and the club locator
Click here for WYSA's current rules and regulations
Click here for field locations
Team Information
U9 - 10
- Maximum roster of 12
- Play a 6 vs 6 game on an 1/2 sized field through the LTPD program
- Season: May and June only.
- Automatically registered into the WYSA Recreational League Jamboree (no added fee)
- Participate in the District Tournament (no added fee)
U11 - 12
- Maximum roster of 14
- Play an 8 vs 8 game on an 3/4 sized field through the LTPD program
- Season: May and June only
- Automatically registered into the WYSA Recreational League Jamboree (no added fee)
- Participate in the District Tournament (no added fee)
U13 - 18
- Maximum roster of 18.
- Play 11 vs 11 on a full field
- Season from May and June. Play resumes after the September long weekend for District and City playoffs (U13- U18) which continue through to late September.
Nights of Play
The following information is only a guideline to how games are scheduled for outdoor season play.
Recreational teams will generally play two (2) matches per week during May & June with playoffs scheduled for September. (No July/August play).
Odd divisions (U9-U11-U13-U15-U17) will generally play on Tuesdays, Thursdays and/or Sundays depending on the number of teams in a division, field and referee availability.
Even divisions (U10-U12-U14-U16-U18) will generally play on Mondays, Wednesdays and/or Fridays depending on the number of teams in a division, field and referee availability.
A good experience for all means that there are expectations of everyone involved. Parents you are key in creating a positive environment for coaches, referees, other parents and especially the players. As a parent you can help create a positive environment where everyone is learning and having fun.
- Give positive feedback, encourage all team members and recognize good play by opposing teams.
- Communicate in a positive way. No criticizing of your child or other players/parents/coaches/referees.
- Respect the coach and let them coach.
- Respect the referees and let them referee.
- Show commitment and attend your child’s games and practices if possible.
- Learn the game for your child. Play and practice together.
The most important attributes players can bring to a team are a positive attitude, a willingness to learn and an enjoyment for the game. Playing SOCCER should be fun. But as a TEAM sport, it means that players should respect:
The Coach
- Listening, cooperating and following team rules
- Asking questions/making suggestions in an appropriate manner
- Attending games & practices
Other Team Members
- Encouraging each other, not criticizing
- Giving your best effort, including games & practices
Opposing Teams
- Be a good sport no matter the outcome of the game Referees
- Accept the Referees decision. Do not argue.
- Refs do make mistakes. They are human.
- Criticizing the referee could result in you being asked to leave the game and would then mean that your team might play short.
- They are volunteers and need the respect and support of parents and players to effectively coach.
- If you have a concern, question or idea you should talk to the coach constructively.
- If you child is having a difficulty with some aspect of the game, please take the time to discuss it with the coach.
- If you are upset about a matter, approach the coach in a calm manner.
- If you have an unresolved concern, contact your club convenor.
We have a serious problem with Youth referees many of whom are in their teens not staying in the program. The major reason is the intimidating and abusive treatment by Coaches and Parents. Abuse of a Referee will not be tolerated. WYSA now requires each team to have one parent act as a Referee Liaison at every game.
Show your support for the team and the game. Be respectful to the Referees.